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  • Writer's picturekasandra hila

What is work for you?

Work is defined by the majority of people as a way to earn money and live. In theory it is not a wrong definition. Indeed we work to make money so we can live a better life.

But the real question is: Do we love working or do we hate it? Do we even have the opportunity to choose? Nowadays, especially in the western cultures, the notion of hard-work is being forgotten as people are more focused on increasing their wealth and manipulating the system either by pretending to be working, not giving their best or benefiting from the other coworkers in order to fulfill their desires. These people see work as a "necessary evil". If their desires are not fulfilled by one job, they switch to the other until they find the "easy" place to make money.

There are other people that work is all they have. They see it as a virtue, as a gift by God and work hard to keep their job. They put a lot of effort and love in their work so they can be in peace with themselves and get back the value of their work.

The view of work also differs with cultures and circumstances. For example, there is a difference between a Canadian and an international view of work. For a Canadian it is easier to switch jobs or find new ones. While for internationals it is not that simple. Far from home, in a place they know almost nothing, with a different language and culture, work is all they have. It is the biggest gift, the one they hold dear and put twice more effort to it as they would do if they were to work in the same position to their home country.

I think this difference in how people view work can bring conflicts in a workplace. If someone is using another person's hard work from a different culture to benefit from them just because they do not see work in the same perspective, this can create tensions and conflicts. Work is a virtue for everyone. There are days when we might be tired but that does not mean that work is evil. Appreciate what you have and work hard to keep it as they may be others that wish to be in your position.

This is a quote from Rupi Kaur, pointing out that being an immigrant is not an easy thing to do and we should appreciate their hard work and their efforts to adapt in a foreign country.

"You have no idea how it feels to have an entire nation laugh when you speak."

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